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Migrate products from WooCommerce to Shopify
Migrate products from WooCommerce to Shopify

Detailed description of all product migration options

Written by AppsByB
Updated over a week ago

The Store Importer app for Shopify allows you to migrate your products from WooCommerce to Shopify. The options are explained below in detail.


Select the checkbox in front of 'Import products' as pointed out in the image below:

Behind the text 'Import products' you can see the number of products in your WooCommerce store. This is an approximate number. The real number might be slightly lower. This is because WooCommerce returns all products including draft products and products in the trash bin which have not been permanently removed yet.


Most WooCommerce stores use the standard description field to describe the products. However, some stores use the 'short description' field. If your store uses the 'short description', you can select it in the description-dropdown.

Weight unit

If the default weight unit in your WooCommerce store is not kilograms, you can select the correct weight unit in the dropdown shown below.

Download images from description to Shopify

If your WooCommerce product descriptions are just (formatted) text, you can ignore this option. However, if you use Wordpress images in your descriptions, you want to select the option to download images from your product description.

By selecting this option, Store Importer will scan all your descriptions and retrieve the images from the descriptions. This works for both images uploaded in Wordpress as for external images.

The downloaded images will be uploaded to Shopify. You can find them in Shopify in the admin by clicking on the menu item 'Content' (left menu), followed by 'Files'. On the page that loads, you can click the looking glass icon to filter. Click the filter 'Used in' and select 'Other'. This is where your files will appear after upload.

Import meta data as metafields

Wordpress and WooCommerce use meta data to store specific details of a product. These meta data can be created by yourself or by Wordpress plugins. In Shopify meta data is stored in metafields or meta objects.

In the image above you see where you can select the option to import meta data as metafields. When you select this option, Store Importer will download all meta data from your WooCommerce products and creates them as metafields in Shopify.

There are a few things to keep in mind: Store Importer doesn't know the exact contents of the metadata. Because of this, metafields are always created as multi-line text fields. You can change the definition yourself in Shopify after the migration. Another thing to keep in mind is that some metadata have arrays of data. Arrays in metadata will be stored as JSON strings. And lastly, to avoid cluttering we do not upload metafields with a unique key, in other words if only one product in your store has a certain metadata key, this key will not be imported as metafield to Shopify.

Where can I find my metafields?

When the migration is complete, you can find your new metafields in your Shopify admin. Because they are created as unstructured metafields, you need to make a few clicks to find them. First, click on 'Settings' which is normally located bottom left. Next click 'Custom data' and in the page that appears click 'Variants'. There should be a grey button at the top of the page with the label 'View unstructured metafields'. Click this to view your metafields. On this page you can also define the metafields by clicking 'Add definition'.

How can I delete metafields I don't want?

If the migration produces some metafields you don't want, you can delete them from Shopify. To do this, you first need to define them. On the page where you see your metafields (see text above), you can click the button 'Add definition'. You will be asked to enter a 'Name', 'Description' and select a 'Type'. Use any random name, random description, use 'Multi-line text field' as type and then click 'Save'. There will be a popup to confirm the definition, you can click 'Save definition' here.

Now that the metafield is defined, you can remove it. Click the metafield name and scroll down to the bottom of the page. There is a button 'Delete'. After clicking 'Delete', make sure select the option 'Delete field and its saved values' to delete both the metafield and the values.

Download product reviews

If you use WooCommerce reviews, you want to export these reviews and use them in Shopify. It's good to know that Shopify doesn't support reviews out of the box, you need an app for that. If you select the option as pointed out below, we will download your reviews from WooCommerce.

Once the reviews are downloaded by us and linked to your new Shopify products, you need to decide which app you want to use. We currently support the following apps:

For the apps above we have ready-made exports. You can find them by clicking the Store Importer app in your Shopify admin followed by 'Product reviews', which should be below the app name.

Skip existing products

The last option in the products block is 'Skip existing products'.

By checking this option, Store Importer will check if a product already exists in your Shopify store. This is done based on the original URL-handle from your WooCommerce store. If the URL-handle is used by a product in Shopify, the product will be skipped in the migration.


If you scroll down on the migration form, you will find the 'Publish' block near the end. Publications are sales channels in Shopify. If you just created your Shopify store, there are probably just two publications: Online Store and Point of Sale.

You probably want to publish your products to the 'Online Store' channel, although you can do this later in the Shopify admin as well. If you plan to use 'Point of Sale' or if there are any other publications listed, you can check them as well.

Create URL redirects

If you are moving your domain name from an existing WooCommerce store to Shopify, you want to check the box to 'Create URL redirects'.

By selecting this option, Store Importer will create a redirect in Shopify for your original WooCommerce product URL to the new Shopify product URL. This helps you maintain your search engine rankings. Whenever a search engine bot visits your site, these redirects will tell them in a search engine friendly way that you have changed your product URL. Also, customers who have bookmarked one of your products will automatically land on the correct URL.

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